actual fraud

英 [ˈæktʃuəl frɔːd] 美 [ˈæktʃuəl frɔːd]




  1. Analysts said the banks had improved their internal governance systems since they listed but the fact that the auditor had checked only a small number of cases might indicate that the actual scale of fraud in the system was much larger.
  2. One exporter in Beijing said that simply checking documents given to the customs would not expose exaggerated invoices: inspectors would need to examine the actual value of the cargo itself to prove fraud.
  3. The above declaration describes my actual marital status. I swear to bear all legal responsibilities thereof if there is found to be any false information or fraud in the above declaration.
  4. Fill out on-site records seriously, and truly reflect actual conditions without fraud.
  5. Traditionally, Switzerland has not co-operated in requests for information about foreigners holding offshore accounts who are suspected of tax evasion – unless the foreign tax or judicial authority has demonstrated actual fraud.
  6. According to the actual situation, as silent fraud, although violation of the principle of good faith is not its elements, but which included in the elements of obligation.
  7. If the fraudulent act could cause the danger of property losses, however, it doesn't cause actual property losses, it constitutes attempted Fraud ( discontinuance).
  8. Since the 18th century, actual damages has not been able to serve the function of deterring malice, fraud and infringement, while businesses have been operating on a larger scale and more risks are always involved.
  9. The crime of fraud being nature to make also often deliver. Occupy an important position in the penal code theories and the actual situation. Studying a related problem of the crime of fraud, its meaning needs not to talk much.
  10. But the actual was that CAP can not find all fraud and error about the financial document and data that supported by audited enterprise. CPA can only detect some material misstatement.
  11. For the purposes of the financial fraud investigated in terms of ability to repay from the behavior of the actual performance behavior, fraud and the use of raised funds.